Artistry Labs Website Design Guide

Welcome to the Artistry Labs Website Design Guide. We have created this design guide as a resource for churches to utilize as they are building their websites. We desire to help you make your website the most effective that it possibly can be (1 Cor. 10:31).

Creating a good church website is important, because your website often delivers a lasting first impression of your church. In our design guide we have compiled a list of principles and questions that will be important for you to analyze and answer as you create and organize your site. Following this guide will help you be intentional as you create your website.

Content is King

At Artistry Labs we have used our expertise to make the visual design of your site as relevant and appealing as possible. It would be a major mistake to stop at this point. People visit websites to find information, therefore make the content of your site king. They will like the look and feel of your site, but to keep coming back, your site needs to be focused on continually updated content.

Here are some general principles to follow:

  • Update your website frequently, especially your homepage (the first page users visit when they come to your site). The fastest way to keep them from coming back is to never update this page.
  • Include important informationabout your church. This would include, but not be limited to:
    • Address of your church
    • Map to your church
    • Contact information (such as phone numbers and/or email addresses)
    • Service times
  • Avoid content overload. Your first instinct will be to tell every visitor to your website everything they ever needed to know about your church. Resist the urge because most people will not read an entire webpage the way they would read a book. Instead, they simply scan for the information they are looking for. Remember, keep it simple.
  • Be friendly. One of the main goals of your website is to attract people, so attempt to make your site as inviting as possible.

Design with your Audience in Mind

When thinking about the content to place on your website, begin by considering the audiences you are trying to reach. Design their website experience based on their needs. Your three main audiences for your site are:

  1. Non-believers. These are the people that you are trying to attract to visit your church. If they are visiting the site because they are thinking of attending, familiarize them with the church before they attend. Let them know:
    • When is the service?
    • What can I expect when I attend (contemporary, traditional, or other type of atmosphere)?
    • What kind of people attend this church?
    • What types of programs do you offer for my family (infants, children, teens, adults)?
  2. Church Members. The vast majority of visitors to your website will be members or regular attenders of your church. Make it easy for them to access information that they would be interested in, such as:
    • Calendars. When is the next _________ event? Are we having kid's choir this week?
    • Contact. How can I get in touch with the _______ pastor or ministry?
    • Sermons. Can I listen to the sermon from last week? If not, can I find information on where to pick up a copy at the church?
  3. Other Believers. These are people who are already Christians but don't already attend your church. They may be moving to your area and are looking for a potential church to attend. You'll want to let them know items like:
    • What you believe.
    • Where you are located.
    • What options you have for them to be involved in.

It is hard to design a website that will reach all three of the audiences, but with a little forethought and intentionality you can create a website that will provide something for everyone who visits.

Click here if you are interested in other factors to consider when designing your website. (external site)

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