Embedding Videos

Embedding allows you to display a videos on your website from an external link. This allows you to avoid re-directing your visitors away from your website. To embed media, you need an embed code generated. Below are instructions on where to find that code for popular sites such as YouTube and Vimeo as well as how to add them to your site.  

Embedding From YouTube

  1. Go to the YouTube video that you want to embed.
  2. Click on the Embed button located under the play bar.
  3. Choose the options that you would like for your video.
  4. Choose the video size.
  5. Copy the code that YouTube provides.
  6. Go to the page on your website where you want to embed the video.
  7. Click on Add Content.
  8. Click on Content Box.
  9. Update your Header Text if needed.
  10. Uncheck the box for Toggle WYSIWYG Editor.
  11. Delete the text in the Body section.
  12. Paste the code you copied earlier into the Body section.
  13. Click on Save Content.

Embedding From Vimeo

To embed a Vimeo video, follow the instructions below.

  1. Go to the Vimeo video that you want to embed.
  2. Click on the Share button located in the top right of the player.
  3. Copy the code that Vimeo provides in the Embed box.
  4. Go to the page on your website where you want to embed the video.
  5. Click on Add Content.
  6. Click on Content Box.
  7. Update your Header Text if needed.
  8. Uncheck the box for Toggle WYSIWYG Editor.
  9. Delete the text in the Body section.
  10. Paste the code you copied earlier into the Body section.
  11. Click on Save Content.
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